Keeping Things Simple: A Reminder to Ourselves

Keeping Things Simple: A Reminder to Ourselves

The Human Tendency to Overcomplicate

As humans, we have a strange tendency to make life harder than it needs to be. We complicate our decisions, overthink our emotions, pile unnecessary burdens onto our shoulders, and create problems where none exist. Simplicity is often within reach, yet we choose to ignore it, believing that complexity somehow makes things more valuable, more meaningful, or more important.

Overcomplication in Different Aspects of Life

Work and Productivity

We find ourselves trapped in a cycle of overcomplication in every aspect of life. At work, we stretch ourselves thin, taking on tasks beyond our capacity, overanalyzing decisions, and making processes unnecessarily intricate. We equate being busy with being successful, often forgetting that productivity isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing things the right way.

I used to believe that constant busyness was the key to success. It took me a while to realize that success isn’t something we can control entirely. Our role is simply to put in the effort, stay consistent, and trust that success will find its way to us in due time.  

Relationships and Friendships

In relationships, we allow misunderstandings to fester, let trivial conflicts snowball, and expect people to meet impossibly high standards. We read too much into words, worry about things that were never intended to hurt us, and sometimes sabotage meaningful connections by making them more difficult than they should be.

One of the guiding principles I follow is to avoid setting expectations in relationships—whether with parents, a life partner, friends, or relatives. When expectations go unmet, the one who suffers most is you. Some may argue that relationships need expectations to grow, and perhaps they do. But ever since I embraced this mindset, my life has felt lighter and far more peaceful. 

Holding Grudges

Life can become unnecessarily burdensome when we hold onto grudges or allow expectations to dictate our happiness. Carrying resentment serves no real purpose—more often than not, the only person truly affected is the one holding onto it. Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it simply means freeing yourself from the weight of the past. 

Personal Growth and Self-Expectations

Even in our personal growth, we have a habit of making things needlessly complex. We believe happiness lies in achieving more, having more, and being more. We chase perfection, set unrealistic goals, and stress over every small detail, forgetting that joy is often found in the simplest of things—a quiet morning, a deep conversation, or the feeling of contentment in the present moment.

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that true joy in life isn’t about accumulating more money—it’s about having control over your time. I consider myself fortunate to have the freedom to start my mornings at the gym, focusing on my fitness. When you lack control over your time, frustration quickly sets in.

Not every day will bring the same level of motivation to tackle work or responsibilities. But when you do have control, you can step away, recharge, and return with a fresh perspective, making everything feel more manageable. 

The Beauty of Simplicity

Life was never meant to be so complicated. The beauty of simplicity is that it offers clarity, ease, and peace. When we stop overcomplicating things, we make space for what truly matters. When we remove the unnecessary noise, we can hear what life is really trying to tell us.

A Gentle Reminder

Perhaps, this is just a gentle reminder: not everything has to be so difficult. Sometimes, the answer is not to do more but to do less. Sometimes, the best way forward is not through analysis and overthinking, but through acceptance and presence. Simplicity isn’t about settling—it’s about making life lighter, more meaningful, and more enjoyable.

So before we add another layer of complexity to our lives, maybe we should pause and ask ourselves—does it really have to be this hard?

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